LIVE! One Flesh Workshop: How Catholic Marriage ACTUALLY Works!
+ 1 FREE signed copy of the Gordon's new book: Leave & Cleave: Nine Marriage Prep Secrets, Once Taught, Now Censored
"I wanted to let y'all know how great your marriage class was! My fiancee and I are getting married in two weeks and couldn't have asked for such a practical, yet effective marriage prep. It was so much fun. Honestly if y'all offer this again in the next year we would 100% take it."
Are you married, engaged, or being called to the marital vocation?
Introducing a live marriage workshop (and Q & A) with Timothy and Stephanie Gordon. This will be a VERY SPECIFIC praxiological course for marriage, in a time when the Church and society offer ZERO help--frequently even LIES about marriage--to married people. (The Gordons will teach nine truths about marriage so embarrassingly or dangerously true that no one speaks of them in ANY corner of the Catholic Church!)
Who: Hosted live by Timothy and Stephanie Gordon
When: Wednesday evenings at 7:00PM CST (starting Wednesday, January 8th, 2025-March 12th, 2025)
Where: Classes will be held live on Zoom
Cost: $225
Textbook: 1 free, signed copy will be shipped to you of Leave and Cleave: Nine Marriage Prep Secrets, Once Taught, Now Censored
Duration: nine classes (one per week on Wednesday evenings starting January 8th, 2025) lasting for about an hour each.
Format: Each class will begin with a lecture and end with a live Q&A.
Can't Make Live Class? All sessions will be recorded and available to watch at your leisure.
CLASS 1 (January 8th, 2025):
"Be Your Own Marital Island"
- Why “Leave and Cleave” is 100% Indispensable to Marital Well-Being
- Your Decisions as a Couple Must Be Your Own
- Patriarchy as the Last (but not Least) Reason for Self-Reliance
- Spouses on “Marital Island” Must Be Each Other’s Top Cheerleaders, Confidantes, and Supporters
- No One Can Come Between You
- Why Leaving and Cleaving Is Now Censored
- Bottom Line: It’s a Boring Island without Sexual Romance (Ch. 2) and Fun (Ch. 3)
- Chapter One Conversation Starters
CLASS 2 (January 15th, 2025) :
"The Unsexy Puritan Bedroom Ethos Doesn’t Work"
- The Moon-Beesly Complex
- Attention Must Be Paid to Tastes and Preferences
- Contraception Is More than Just Prophylactics and Pills
- How We Know the Marital Act Is Important
- A Word to the Wise: Sexual Difference Governs Sexual Preference
- Why Rejecting the Moon-Beesly Complex Is Now Censored
- Spousal Relations Are Best when the Bedroom Is in Order
- Chapter Two Conversation Starters
CLASS 3 (January 22nd, 2025):
"Work Hard, Play Hard"
- The Moon-Beesly Complex, Applied to Fun
- Keep the Spirit of Flirtation All Day Long
- The Continuum of the Day
- Why Aristotle Teaches that the Term “Household Economy” Is a Redundancy
- Why “Playing Hard” with One’s Spouse Is Now Censored
- Complementarity: Your Sexual Attraction Drives the Fun of the Day Forward
- Chapter Three Conversation Starters
CLASS 4 (January 29th, 2025):
"Authentic Spousal Masculinity and Femininity"
- Husbands Should Never Say: “I’ll Ask the Boss”
- Women Aren’t Attracted to Effete Men
- Wives: Your Husband Is the Boss That You Picked
- Mutual Submission Is the False Gospel
- Why Authentic Sexual Roles in Families Are Now Censored
- Chapter Four Conversation Starters
CLASS 5 (February 5th, 2025):
"Husband Is the Head and Wife Is the Heart of the Home"
- Many Christian Women, Ironically, Order Their Husbands to Lead
- Priestly Husbands Should Lead the Family to Prayer and Sacraments
- Husbands Are Also Prophets and Kings of the Home
- Why the Heart Supports the Head
- Why the Heart Is the Highest Dignity a Woman Can Have
- Why It Is Now Censored to Say That Father Is Head or Priest and Mother Is Heart or Congregation
- Chapter Five Conversation Starters
CLASS 6 (February 19th, 2025):
"Never Ever, Ever Badmouth Your Spouse"
- Gratefulness Is the Key
- Wives: Never Badmouth Your Husband
- Husbands Who Don’t Lead Will Become Tempted to Badmouth Their Wives
- Gratitude Plus Leadership Equals Reciprocal Loyalty
- Why a Total Ban on Spousal Badmouthing Is Now Censored
- Chapter Six Conversation Starters
CLASS 7 (February 26th, 2025):
"Fighting and Avoiding Fights on Marital Island"
- The Marital Spat Cycle: Relieving and Re-Cleaving
- More Fights: Quitting on Resolutions
- On the Day of Your Fight: Three Doctrines Govern the Solution
- The Day After the Fight
- Three Days After the Fight
- Five Days After the Fight
- Seven Days After the Fight
- Why Our Communication-Centered Advice on Marital Spats Is Now Censored
- Chapter Seven Conversation Starters
CLASS 8 (March 5th, 2025): .
"Childrearing on Marital Island"
- Childrearing Is Utterly Natural
- Expectation Management During Infancy, Then Getting Back to Normal
- Gratitude and Charity: The Best Parental Examples for Kids
- Why Our View of Childrearing Is Now Censored
- Never Allow Kids’ Activities to Predominate
- Like Childrearing, Homeschooling Is Utterly Natural
- Grammar Phase (first grade through fourth grade)
- Logic Phase (fifth grade through eighth grade)
- Rhetoric Phase (ninth grade through twelfth grade)
- Chapter Eight Conversation Starters
CLASS 9 (March 12th, 2024):
"Save Your Best for Your Spouse"
- Never Keep Secrets or Lie
- Couples Should “Network” to Babysit for Dates
- Men: Treat Your Wife as You Did During Courtship
- Women: Dress Up and Act as You Did During Courtship
- Mind Your Figure
- Why Saving the Best for Your Spouse is Now Censored
- Chapter Nine Conversation Starters
Timothy and Stephanie Gordon will have been happily married for nineteen years and have seven children. They are both practicing Catholics and publish extensively on Catholic marriage and family life. Timothy is the author of The Case for Patriarchy and Stephanie is the author of Ask Your Husband.
LIVE Marriage Worshop (+FREE BOOK!)
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