Mrs. Timothy J Gordon
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There is, perhaps, no more controversial statement today than “the husband is the boss of his wife.”
In Ask Your Husband, Stephanie C. Gordon explains how this proposition proves to be required by Scripture and by two millennia of Catholic teaching.
Ask Your Husband instructs Catholic wives how properly to serve their husbands in Christian marriage: by emulating our Lady and by embracing the household patriarchy, just as she did. Ask Your Husband is a counter-cultural manifesto of the domicile.
Against the diabolical influence of feminism, Christian wives should employ this book in their labors to rehabilitate the wayward popular Christian view of their sexual roles, their souls, their marriages, and their mothering.

For two thousand years, Christianity has taught, with startling specificity, that married men are patriarchs...
who should relate to their wives as Christ relates to His Bride, the Church. Yet as feminism swept across Western society in recent decades, our understanding of patriarchy became corrupted, and men have been astoundingly swift in their forfeiture of their God-given patriarchal rights and duties.
While The Case for Patriarchy articulates a position that is provocative in our day, it’s a position that was without controversy for millennia. Why? Because Christians viewed patriarchy as a theological necessity according to the dictates of Christian Scripture and Tradition.
In these powerful pages, Timothy Gordon argues that Christ did more than establish a clerical patriarchy ― an all-male priesthood. He also created a lay patriarchy of male householders who act as priests, prophets, and kings of their families. The supplantation of this patriarchy with a feminist “matriarchy,” Gordon argues, has proven to be the most devastating of all the subversive revolutions waged upon Christendom by the radical, secular Left.

What is a retrograde?
A retrograde calculates, night and day, how to return the world to:
the Old Order of moral and sexual decency,
classical masculinity,
national sovereignty and national borders,
faith and hope and charity,
goodness and beauty and truth,
Christian civic liberty,
and most importantly, the social kingship of Christ.
In the words of Shakespeare, a retrograde is one of God’s spies.
The retrograde has the unique capacity for understanding the stark chasm between the degenerate, socialist-infiltrated world of decay on one side and the well-meaning, good-hearted, but clueless Christian world on the other.
In a time of such profound decay, being one of God’s spies is a last resort and a pure necessity: it involves not “deep cover,”—i.e., acting like the enemy—but rather “half cover”: acting as a “contra” in the secular arena, a crypto-Christian counterinsurgent willing to fight like a Navy Seal and to think like a counterintel officer.
Retrogrades . . . to the streets: our aim is to reverse the deliberate, deuced machinations of “radicals” like Saul Alinsky who, by penning the rulebook of radicalism, threw down a challenge that has, until now, gone unanswered. Rules for Retrogrades is the handbook men of good will need to win the culture war!

Some Christians decry the deism of our Founding Fathers...
claiming that outright anti-Christian principles lie at the heart of our Declaration of Independence and Constitution, crippling from birth our beloved republic.
Here philosopher Timothy Gordon forcefully disagrees, arguing that while anti-Catholic bias kept them from admitting their reliance on Aristotle, Aquinas, and the early Jesuits, our Protestant and Enlightenment Founding Fathers secretly held Catholic views about politics and nature.
Had they fully adhered to Catholic principles, argues Gordon, the "Catholic republic" that is America from its birth would not today be on the verge of social collapse. The instinctive Catholicism of our Founders would have prevented the cancerous growth of the state, our subsequent loss of liberties, the destruction of families, abortion on demand, the death of free markets, and the horrors of today's pervasive pagan culture.
In Catholic Republic, Gordon recounts our nation's clandestine history of publicly repudiating, yet privately relying on, Catholic ideas about politics and nature. At this late hour in the life of the Church and the world, America still can be saved, claims Gordon, if only we soon return to the Catholic principles that are the indispensable foundation of all successful republics.

From safe-spaces and trigger warnings, to grievance studies and neo-Marxist indoctrination, to sexual degeneracy and hook-up culture, to student loan indentured servitude, to useless degrees with no translatable real-world application...
...the modern-day American university now functions as the complete inversion of its original purpose.
Rather than creating civically-minded, competent citizens and adults able to provide for themselves, their families, and their society, America’s universities now function as institutional assembly lines for the production of the new 21st century global citizen-serf: atomized, infantilized, dependent, and pacified.
This book provides the definitive diagnosis of what exactly happened to America’s universities while giving the reader a blueprint for how young citizens, parents, and local communities alike can safeguard, escape, and begin resisting such pernicious indoctrination and illogical woke nonsense.